The future is in our hands

The future is in our hands

Our hands are our world. From the very onset of life, our hands play a critical role in enabling us to explore, play and eventually create through innovation. At Miriam Bella, we pride ourselves in exemplary leather craftsmanship. Each shoe is made individually therefore dedicating time, effort, and utmost attention to detail. Fashion is about details, right? With leather, one can never run out of style. Its strength, timelessness and durability ensure that one is always looking chic!


Creation is liberation. It gives us a sense of fulfilment, not just because we get to earn a living from it, but also because it shows us the contribution we are making. In the African setting, a parent being able to provide for their children is considered an honour. Lack thereof affects how the parents view themselves and how society views these parents. This can take an emotional and psychological toll on the family.


To counter this, Miriam Bella has set out to create employment opportunities. About 75% of Kenya’s total population is the youth (15-35 years old). This means that each year, a multitude of young people are released into the job market yet only some of them secure employment. Equipping the population with life-long skills therefore becomes an important goal in ensuring that they find alternative employment. This does not only apply for the young, but also for those past the age of 35 who did not have a chance to acquire an education. Acquiring these skills enables them to be self-sufficient and masters of their future.


This venture is in line with Kenya's current government which strongly believes in a 'bottom-up' approach to economics. By this, they mean to empower the masses so they can be financially independent and thus be able to live fulfilling lives. Miriam Bella unites with the government in this undertaking by advancing manufacturing, and thereby diversifying livelihoods, in the rural areas.

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